Introduction to Computational Genomics
Credit Hour(s): 3 Units
Instructor(s): Jouline
Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Recommended background in basic molecular biology, genetics, or biochemistry. Recommended courses include Micro 4130, MolGen 4500, MolGen 4606, and Biochem 4511
Role in Microbiology Major: Group 1 Elective
In this course, you will learn how the genome sequencing technology has revolutionized biology and laid a foundation for new developments in science and medicine. You will learn how to perform sequence similarity searches in various public databases, how to predict function from sequence, and what biological questions can be answered by comparative genomics. In our virtual computational lab, you will use SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) genome to learn about its functions and you will learn how to identify potential disease-causing mutations in human genes.