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Combined BS/MS in Microbiology

A great opportunity!

A combined BS/MS Degree in Microbiology is an opportunity for qualified undergraduates in Microbiology to begin the Masters program in Microbiology during their undergraduate senior year, and to complete the Microbiology Master's degree the following year. Students who are accepted into the Microbiology BS/MS Program are allowed to take graduate courses their senior year and double count 9 semester credit hours of these classes toward both the undergraduate and graduate degrees. This enables students to still obtain a BS degree in 4 years and also complete the MS degree with only one additional year.  Applications to this program are accepted from March 1 to Dec 31. If you are interested in this dual degree program, please talk to the Microbiology advisor (Matt DeBlieck; deblieck.2@osu.edu).

In addition, students enrolled in the Combined BS/MS Program may be eligible for a Graduate Research Associateship (GRA), which includes a waiver of tuition and fees, as well as a monthly student stipend.

BS/MS Schematic Overview

BS/MS Checklist


• Be in good academic standing (at least 3.5 GPA)
• Have completed MICRO4100†, MICRO 4120, and BIOCHEM4511
• Application to the Microbiology BS/MS program in SP semester of Junior Year
• Admission by the Microbiology Graduate Studies Committee and the OSU Graduate School

If you want to consider the BS/MS, first set a meeting with your Advisor (Madhura Pradhan for Honors; Matt DeBlieck for non-honors). After that meeting, the Advisors will recommend the student to the Vice Chairs of Graduate and Undergraduate studies within the Department of Microbiology.