Microbiology 799 Seminar Schedule Archive: Autumn 2011

September 21: Kenneth W. Bayles, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center
"Temporal and Spatial Control of Cell Death Genes during Staphylococcus Aureus Biofilm Development"
Host: Dan Wozniak
September 28: Chad Rappleye, PhD, Ohio State University
"Forward and Reverse Genetic Discovery of Factors Contributing to Histoplasma Pathogenesis"
October 5: Birgit Alber, PhD, Ohio State University
"Carbon assimilation by Rhodobacter sphaeroides"
October 12: Craig Altier, PhD, Cornell University
"Regulation of Salmonella Virulence by Intestinal Fatty Acids"
Host: Brian Ahmer and John Gunn
October 19: Kendrick Memorial Seminar
E. Peter Greenberg, PhD, University of Washington
"Quorum sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa- metabolic policing of free-loaders in a cooperating group"
Host: Graduate Students 
October 26: Wuyuan Lu, PhD, University of Maryland-School of Medicine
"Human alpha-defensins: structure, function, and mode of action"
Host: Stephanie Seveau
November 2: Gary Huffnagle, PhD, University of Michigan
"Dissecting bacterial-yeast-host mucosal symbiosis"
Host: Brian Ahmer and John Gunn 
November 9: Steven K. Lower, PhD, Ohio State University
"Bonds at the heart of Staphylococcus aureus biofilms on cardiovascular devices"
Host: Tina Henkin
November 16: Richard Losick, PhD, Harvard University
"Life and Death of a Microbial Community"
Host: Tina Henkin 
November 23: Thanksgiving Holiday, No Seminar
November 30: Venkat Gopalan, PhD, Ohio State University
"Towards Uncovering the Basis for Diversity of RNase P, a tRNA Processing Enzyme"
Host: Tina Henkin