Congratulations to Undergraduate Award Winners!

April 19, 2017

Congratulations to Undergraduate Award Winners!

Department of Microbiology

Congratulations to the following undergraduate award winners in the 2017 Spring Semester:

  • Bridget O'Banion, Undergraduate Student working in Dr. Wrighton's lab, was awarded $700 from ASM to attend the ASM Microbe 2017 Conference
  • Annie Zhang, Undergraduate student working in Dr. Kwiek's lab, took a First Place at the 2017 Denman Research Forum
  • John Widenthal, Undergraduate Microbiology student, took First Place at the 2017 Denman Research Forum
  • Alaina Monsey, Undergraduate student working in Dr. Anderson's lab, placed third at the 2017 Denman Research Forum


*If you are an undergraduate Microbiology major student or work in a Microbiology Faculty member's lab that won an award during the 2017 Spring term, please email!