Microbiology 799 Seminar Archive: Spring 2010

March 31: Michael G. Surette, PhD, University of Calgary
"The Cystic Fibrosis Airway Microbiome: Polymicrobial interactions and overlooked pathogens."
Host: Dan Wozniak

April 7: David Sacks, PhD, NIH
"nfluence of vector sand flies on the immune response to Leishmania major"
Host: Abhay Satoskar, co-sponsored with CMIB
April 14: Graham Hatfull, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
"Exploration and exploitation of mycobacteriophages"
Host: Irina Artsimovitch
April 21: no seminar
April 28: no seminar
May 5: Patricia Kiley, PhD, University of Wisconsin
"Adaptation of E. coli to changes in O2 : new insights from genomic approaches"
Host: Irina Artsimovitch
May 12: Stephen Cusack, PhD, EMBL Grenoble, France
"Structural studies of influenza polymerase: implications for the mechanism of cap-snatching, host adaption and anti-viral drug design"
Host: Mike Ibba, co-sponsored with PHPID
May 19: Biswarup Mukhopadhyay, PhD, Virginia Tech
"Coenzyme F420 in microbial sensing, detoxification and cell wall biosynthesis - from methanogenic archaea to mycobacteria"
Host: Birgit Alber
May 26: Eric Denkers, PhD, Cornell University
"Insights into Inflammatory Bowel Disease Using Toxoplasma gondii as an Inflammatory Trigger"
Host: Abhay Satoskar
June 2: Sarah Ades, PhD, Penn State
"Border Security: Cell Envelope Stress Responses in Gram-Negative Bacteria"
Host: Mike Ibba