Microbiology 799 Seminar Archive: Autumn 2009

Sept 23: Corrie Detweiler, PhD, University of Colorado
"Macrophages and the host-pathogen balance of chronic infection"
Host: John Gunn, co-sponsored by CMIB
Sept 30: Jiyoung Lee, PhD, Ohio State University
"Health Risks & Microbial hazards in recreational water"
Host: Tina Henkin
Oct 7: No seminar
Oct 14: Partho Ghosh, PhD, University of California, San Diego
"The virulence and crossreactivity of Group A Streptococcus M1 protein"
Host: John Gunn, co-sponsored by CMIB
Oct 21: No seminar
Oct 28: Xiang-Lei Yang, PhD, The Scripps Research Institute
"Functional switching of proteins used for translation and medical implications"
Host: Mike Ibba
Nov 4: No seminar
Nov 11: Veteran's Day, no seminar
Nov 18: Jeff Schorey, PhD, University of Notre Dame
"Exosomes in immune surveillance and their potential use as novel vaccines
and diagnostic markers for tuberculosis"
Host: Larry Schlesinger
Nov 25: Thanksgiving break, no seminar
Dec 2: No seminar