Yueh-Fen Li
Research Scientist
Room 944, Riffe Building
496 W 12th Ave,
Columbus, OH 43210
Areas of Expertise
- Environmental microbiology
- Microbial ecology
- B.S./M.S. in Bioenvironmental System Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2006
- Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 2013
Lab: Virginia Rich
Selected Publications
Fahnestock MF, Bryce JG, McCalley CK, Montesdeoca M, Bai S, Li Y, Driscoll CT, Crill PM, Rich VI, Varner RK. 2019. Mercury reallocation in thawing subarctic peatlands. Geochem. Persp. Lett. 11: 33-38.
Rey-Sanchez C, Bohrer G, Slater J, Li YF, Grau-Andrés R, Hao Y, Rich VI, and Davies GM. 2019. The ratio of methanogens to methanotrophs and water-level dynamics drive methane transfer velocity in a temperate kettle-hole peat bog. Biogeosciences 16: 3207-3231.
Howard-Varona C, Vik DR, Solonenko NE, Li YF, Gazitua MC, Chittick L, Samiec JK, Jensen AE, Anderson P, Howard-Varona A, Kinkhabwala AA, Abedon ST, Sullivan MB. 2018. Fighting fire with fire: phage potential for the treatment of E. coli O157. Antibiotics 7(4): 101.
Zhang W, Ge X, Li YF, Yu Z, Li Y. 2016. Isolation of a methanotroph from a hydrogen sulfide-rich anaerobic digester for methanol production from biogas. Process Biochemistry 51(7):838-844.
Li YF, Abraham C, Nelson MC, Chen PH, Graf J, Yu Z. 2015. Effect of organic loading on the microbiota in a temperature-phased anaerobic digestion (TPAD) system co-digesting dairy manure and waste whey. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 99(20):8777-8792.
Li YF, Shan W, and Yu Z. 2013. Feedstocks affect the diversity and distribution of propionate CoA-transferase genes (pct) in anaerobic digesters. Microb Ecol 66(2): 351-362.