Autumn Semester 2016:
August 24: Department Welcome/Orientation
*To be held on the 11th Floor of Thompson Library
August 31: Cullen Buie, PhD, MIT
"Microfluidic Tools for Microbial Biotechnology"
Host: Mike Wilkins
September 7: No Seminar
September 21: Mark McBride, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
"The Bacteroidetes do it differently: novel motility, protein secretion, and polysaccharide utilization machineries"
Host: Kurt Fredrick
September 28: Shan-Lu Liu, PhD, Ohio State University
"Novel Cellular Factors Modulating viral infections"
Host: Jesse Kwiek
October 5: Kendrick Memorial Seminar
Victoria Orphan, PhD, California Institute of Technology
"Microbial cooperation in the deep sea and the anaerobic oxidation of methane"
Host: Graduate Students
October 12: Patrick O'Donoghue, PhD, Western University
"Genetic code expansion by codon reassignment and recoding"
Host: Mike Ibba
October 19: Blanca Barquera, PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
"Na+ gradients at the crossroads of energy and adaptation"
Host: Bob Tabita
October 26: Mary Firestone, PhD, University of California-Berkeley
"The Interconnected Rhizosphere"
Host: Matthew Sullivan
November 2: Ziyin Li, PhD, University of Texas at Houston
"Unusual cytokinesis pathways in the early divergent trypanosomes"
Host: Juan Alfonzo
November 16: Rita Tamayo, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Regulation of flagellum and cytotoxin production in Clostridium difficile"
Host: John Gunn
November 23: Thanksgiving Break, No Classes
November 30: Jennifer Macalady, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
"Life in the Slow Lane"
Host: Kelly Wrighton