Microbiology Seminar Schedule


Autumn 2024

Seminars will be held on Wednesdays at 4:10 p.m to 5:05 p.m. Unless marked as "Zoom meeting", seminars will be in person in Jennings 355. In-person seminars will not be available via Zoom. Please reach out to Karna Gowda for information regarding links to Zoom seminars.

Please contact the Graduate Coordinator (micro.grad@osu.edu) for additional information and changes to the schedule.


August 21: Welcome Orientation for Department of Microbiology

Event is only for the Department of Microbiology  faculty and graduate students.


August 28:

Igor Jouline, PhD, The Ohio State University

“PAS and Cache: Small Molecule Sensors Conserved from Bacteria to Humans”

Host: Karna Gowda


September 4:

Philip Ahern, DPhil, Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute

“Decoding Immune-Microbiome Interactions in the Intestine”

Host: Darryl Wesener


September 11: 

Beatriz Sierra, M.D., Ph.D.; Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute

“African and Amerindian Ancestry: Protective Factor Against Severe Dengue Disease in the Cuban Population” 

Host: Jesse Kwiek


September 18 : 

Virginia Rich, Ph.D., The Ohio State University

"Microbes and Climate Change, Now and In the Past"

Host: Irina Artsimovitch


September 25: 

Lydia Freddolino, Ph.D., University of Michigan

"Regulation, Domestication, and Function of Newly Acquired Chromosomal Elements in Bacteria"

Host: Irina Artsimovitch


October 9: Kendrick Memorial Seminar

 Jessica Metcalf, Ph.D., Colorado State University

"CSI Microbe: Big Clues from Tiny Witnesses"

Host: Microbiology Graduate Students


October 23: 

Alex Michaud, Ph.D.,  School of Earth Sciences at The Ohio State University


Host: Chad Rappleye


November 20: 


November 27: No Seminar; Thanksgiving Break


December 4:

Arne Rietsch, Ph. D., Case Western Reserve University

"The Biofilm-Tropic Bacteriophage Clew-1 Uses the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exopolysaccharide Psl for Infection"

Host: Daniel Wozniak


Spring 2025


January 8:


Host: Natacha Ruiz


January 22:


Host: Natacha Ruiz


February 5:


Host: Natacha Ruiz


February 19:


Host: Natacha Ruiz


March 5:


March 12: Spring Break; No Classes


March 19:


April 2:

Christine Szymanski, Ph.D., University of Georgia

"Impact of the Campylobacter glycome on intestinal persistence and disease. "

Host: Darryl Wesener


April 16:


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