Credit Hour(s): 3 Units
Instructor(s): Fredrick
Offered: TBD
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing
Lecture topics:
- Major classes of medically important antibiotics and their modes of action
- Mechanisms of resistance
- Inhibitors of peptidoglycan synthesis
- Inhibitors of translation
- Inhibitors of transcription
- Inhibitors of DNA topoisomerases
- Antibiotics as effectors of gene expression
- Mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer
- Polyketide antibiotic biosynthesis
- Bacterial persisters
- Human microbiome and impacts of antibiotics
Learning Outcomes:
Successful students will be able to…
- Knowledgably describe the major types of antibiotics and their modes of action
- Knowledgably describe the common mechanisms of antibiotic resistance
- Discuss the biosynthesis of the polyketide antibiotics
- Understand current views on the roles of antibiotics in nature and the origin of resistance genes
- Read and critically evaluate research papers in microbiology
- Understand commonly employed methods in microbiology research
- Accurately interpret raw and processed data sets in research papers
- Identify key findings of research papers
- Present key findings of research papers clearly to an audience of peers
- Identify strong arguments supported by conclusive data; identify weak arguments supported by inconclusive data
- Argue the merits and/or weaknesses of published work from a knowledgeable perspective
- Read research papers with high efficiency