Principles of Microbiology
Credit Hour(s): 2 Units
Instructor(s): Fredrick
Offered: Autumn
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing
Lecture Topics:
- Research practices: Academic relationships, expectations and what you need to learn in graduate school
- Research ethics
- Preparation of manuscripts, grants and peer review processes
- Scientific meetings
- Careers in Science
- Landmark papers in molecular microbiology: Topics include: phylogenics, genomics, bacterial virulence, signaling, molecular machines (replication, transcription and translation), gene regulation, metabolism, membranes and microbes in the environment
Learning Outcomes:
Successful students will be able to...
- Read and analyze primary research literature in the field of microbiology, namely:
- Prepare an oral presentation based upon primary research literature.
- Deliver an oral presentation based upon primary research literature to an audience composed of their peers.
- Critically analyze presentations based upon the primary research literature in microbiology.
- Discuss and analyze topics related to the responsible conduct of research and research ethics