Microbiology 7899 Seminar Schedule Archive: Autumn 2014

Autumn Semester 2014:

August 27: Department Welcome/Orientation
September 4: Microbiology/EEOB Joint Seminar
Mike Lynch, PhD, University of Indiana
"Mutation, drift, and the origin of subcellular features"
Host: Juan Alfonzo and Zakee Sabree
*Seminar will be at 1:00pm; Microbiology 7899 Students are not required to attend this seminar
September 10: Purnima Kumar, DDS, PhD, Ohio State University
"Tobacco smoking and the oral microbial ecosystem"
Host: Kelly Wrighton
September 24: George O'Toole, PhD, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
"To Build a Biofilm"
Host: Dan Wozniak
Co-hosted with Biofilms in Human Medicine Interest Group
October 1: Natacha Ruiz, PhD, Ohio State University
"Envelope biogenesis in Escherichia coli"
Host: Irina Artsimovitch
October 8: John Brumell, PhD, University of Toronto
"Mechanisms of cell-to-cell spread by Listeria monocytogenes"
Host: Stephanie Seveau
October 22: Patricia Clark, PhD, University of Notre Dame
"Co-translational Regulation of Protein Folding in E. coli"
Host: Mike Ibba
October 29: Jacob Yount, PhD,Ohio State University
"Post-translational mechanisms controlling innate cellular resistance to influenza virus"
Host: Mike Ibba
November 5: Cancelled
November 19: Tom Begley, PhD, University at Albany-SUNY
"Stress Codons and tRNA Modification Systems Regulate Responses to Damage and Cancer Growth Proliferation"
Host: Juan Alfonzo
November 26: Thanksgiving Break, No Seminar